Free BARBRI Bar Exam Digest

All the bar exam information you need, for each U.S. state, in one document

Download the digest today

We compile all of the information that you need to know for each U.S. state in the free BARBRI Bar Exam Digest. It includes the typical bar exam format, subjects tested, bar exam and MPRE scoring, deadlines, fees, reciprocity and more. Complete this form on this page to download the BARBRI Bar Exam digest now.

Are you a foreign law graduate, lawyer or U.S. LL.M. student? The BARBRI Bar Exam Digest for International Lawyers, Law Graduates & LL.M.s was made for you. It provides the same information as above about the New York and California Bar Exams but also includes additional information tailored to foreign candidates.

Find the BARBRI Bar Exam Digest for International Lawyers, Law Graduates & LL.M.s here.

Please note that bar exam information is always subject to change without notice. We always recommend that you verify information with the applicable board of law examiners.

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