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Cold calls. Grades. The job hunt. It’s no secret that law school comes with plenty of stressors. It’s also no secret that stress can wreak havoc on your physical and mental health if left unmanaged.
Taking care of yourself is important so a sickness won’t set you back academically. Fortunately, there are ways to help keep you healthy in mind and body during your time in law school (and beyond). Use the following four tips as guides to help keep you strong on your legal journey.
Get Your ZZZs
One of the best things you can do for yourself is get proper sleep. We can’t emphasize this enough!
Although sleep tends to be hard to come by in law school, getting enough rest allows you to retain information better. It also makes you more focused and alert, meaning your studying will be more effective. You’ll be better able to follow along in class, understand difficult concepts, and retain what you learn.
Being well-rested also means you will be less susceptible to illness. Whenever you can, make sure to unplug and recharge. Schedule sleep time on your calendar if you have to. Your body and mind will thank you.
Head Outside
There’s nothing quite like the great outdoors to have a positive impact on your health and mood, even if it’s only for a brief period. As a law student, you likely spend tons of time indoors in a stationary position while in class or studying. If you start to feel like the walls are closing in on you, try taking even a short walk around campus to help reset your mind and stretch your muscles.
Beyond the benefit of relieving immediate stress, fresh air and exercise can also lead to a rush of endorphins. The renewed energy will help you refocus on your studies.
Make Nutrition a Priority
When things get hectic and time is tight, it becomes all too easy to reach for meals that are fast, convenient, and most likely inexpensive. More often than not, the result is some less-than-nutritious meals. Finding time to prepare healthful meals during those long hours spent in class or the library can be a challenge, but it’s extremely valuable for keeping your health on track.
Try to take some time each week to go to the grocery store and get what you need for the week. Prepare food at home so you can resist the urge for grab-and-go eating on campus. You can also save time by preparing a larger batch of something to have for a few days, or by making lunches ahead of time. Easily portable foods like fruits and vegetables are great sources of the nutrients you need to avoid illness.
If you can’t go without your afternoon caffeine fix, consider making small changes to it. Choose a “skinny” version of your favorite latte instead. Or make it a priority to drink water over soda. You might be surprised by how much more energized you’ll be.
Ask for Help if You Need it
Finally, if you feel like nothing you’ve tried is keeping your well-being in a good place, one of the best things you can do is seek help. Most schools have some combination of counselors, academic support staff, and student health staff who can help you keep your physical and mental health in check.
BARBRI is also with you every step of your legal journey to provide support and helpful resources. We recognize your health is key to your law school and career success. Learn how we make well-being a top priority.
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