Job search tips & networking

Remote Legal Volunteering Opportunities for Law Students

June 24, 2024

If you’re looking to gain practical legal experience, build leadership skills, and add to your resume during your time in law school, there are many ways to make a difference from afar. Many law schools even provide academic credit for working as a virtual legal volunteer. Whatever your motivation, the world needs good lawyers (and […]

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10 Questions to Ask Yourself before Choosing a Practice Area

June 18, 2024

Choosing a practice area is one of the most critical decisions you’ll make in your legal career. It’s a choice that will shape your professional path, who you are in the legal community, your day-to-day work, and even your personal life. Whether you’re a law student gearing up for graduation or a professional considering a […]

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Building Your Personal Brand and Law Student LinkedIn Profile

June 17, 2024

Your professional identity may still be taking shape but it’s not too early to start forming a personal brand that is authentic and powerful. Law school is the time to become proactive about your future business and reputation. Employers today often connect with future employees for the first time through their online presence and activity. […]

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A summer associate wardrobe on a law student budget

March 26, 2023

The approaching end of the school year means your time as a summer associate will soon be here. If you will be working at a Big Law firm or require a business-oriented wardrobe, now is a great time to review what’s in your closet and figure out what additional pieces you might need. To help […]

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Advice about mentoring, networking and law school relationships

March 11, 2023

The power of mentorships, networking and establishing meaningful relationships in law school cannot be understated. In a field as challenging and demanding as law, these three things can mean the difference between a so-so experience in and out of school and one that’s rewarding for years to come. Here are some tips to help you […]

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How to find a law school mentor and maintain the relationship

March 10, 2023

Let’s face it, navigating law school can be difficult without some assistance. It’s important to have someone who can encourage you in your personal and professional growth during law school and as you make your way into the legal field. As you consider finding a mentor, think about what you most want from the relationship. […]

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Seven insights about the judicial internship application process

March 9, 2023

A judicial internship offers law students an opportunity to work in a judge’s chambers, performing duties such as researching various laws and writing legal memoranda. Judicial internships are one of the most coveted summer positions because they allow students the opportunity to strengthen legal research and writing skills while learning directly from a judge about […]

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Twenty questions to ask in a summer job interview

February 22, 2023

So you got the interview for your dream summer position. Congrats! We’re sure you have spent hours preparing your answers to questions your interviewer may ask, but don’t forget that asking your interviewer good questions not only demonstrates your initiative and preparedness but gives you more insight into whether you would be a good fit […]

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Essential items for your interview preparedness kit

February 4, 2023

It’s common to be a little nervous before an interview. You’ll likely go into an unfamiliar setting to meet with the interviewer(s), and there’s no way to guarantee you’ll have the answer ready for every question asked. Yet, you absolutely can and should prepare by doing your research and conducting practice interviews to help ensure […]

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On the job hunt? How to pick a state bar exam in line with your search?

January 17, 2023

As the chatter around summer jobs begins, you may be wondering what your options are if you haven’t received an offer quite yet. The 3L job hunt can be stressful, especially when people around you have already secured employment. Rather than get discouraged, know that you have the ability to take back control as you […]

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