Student Stories

At BARBRI, our commitment is to provide students with all the support they require to excel in their SQE Prep.

BARBRI SQE Prep students stories

Hear from our students as they recount their experiences studying with BARBRI. Our student stories feature a diverse range of students from various backgrounds, each sharing their experiences with our courses, materials, and assessments.

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Charlotte Cole

Charlotte is a Senior Paralegal in the private client department of a medium-sized law firm. She has predominately worked in the private client sector for the last 7- 8 years.

Adarsh Saxena Photo (1)

Adarsh Saxena

Adarsh is a seasoned commercial disputes lawyer from India.

Damon Neale - full video subs + questions v2-Cover

Damon Neale

Damon started his professional career studying media and communications at university and has started and scaled multiple companies.

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Charity Mafuba

Admitted to the New York Bar in June 2022, as an Attorney and Counselor-at-Law and a Solicitor in England and Wales in June 2023.

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Gray is a career changer originally from an IT and medical technology background. He is now studying the SQE2 Prep with BARBRI after completing SQE1 Prep. 


Jasmine Gratton

U.S. and U.K. educated and qualified attorney focused on providing holistic intellectual property services with a global perspective to companies and start-ups. 

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Avinda Bhangal

Studied the SQE2 Prep with BARBRI

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Maddie Berry

Maddie has a linguistics and French background but studied and passed the SQE1 and SQE2 with BARBRI. 

Clementine Raimbaud - Head shot

Clementine Raimbaud

A French lawyer thriving in Dubai's dynamic legal scene recognised a strategic opportunity and chance to grow her career. 

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