U.S. law school tips

Note-taking strategies

October 29, 2019

[ Mara Masters, 1L at Emory Law ] Got note-taking Strategies? There are as many note-taking strategies as there are note-takers. Everyone works a little bit differently and needs a slightly different thing. What you need will likely change from semester to semester, and maybe even from course to course. I have tried probably almost […]

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Why it’s so hard to finish the open memo assignment

October 22, 2019

[ Mara Masters, 1L at Emory Law ] Welcome to the throes of open memo season. Everyone has a ghostly absence behind their eyes. The doctrinal professors are refining their comedy routines in an attempt to cheer up all of us. As the process of writing the memo assignment has gone on, I’ve been surprised […]

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Advocating the use of study tools – 2L/3L Mastery and more

September 24, 2019

By Stephanie Baldwin, University of Arizona James E. Rogers College of Law Last year, I wrote about the different type of supplements that are available to law students. This year I want to talk about how you can use them effectively. Last week, we wrote a great article about one of the supplements I have […]

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The impact of 2Ls paying it forward to 1L students

September 10, 2019

Stephanie Baldwin, 2L at the University of Arizona Paying it Forward 2L Style We’ve all been there… and now it is time to pay it back, by paying it forward by helping 1Ls. Often, I talk to my fellow 2Ls to find out what I should write about each week. My friend Katrina suggested this […]

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LL.M. students: Four tips for success in U.S. law school class

September 5, 2019

By Juliana Del Pesco BARBRI, International Legal Manager Americas The decision to immerse yourself in a foreign culture and its laws is a bold move. It will also be very rewarding once you are well-prepared. In each U.S. law school class, you will come to understand the language of law in the United States. Strange […]

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How to handle memo feedback

March 22, 2019

GUEST BLOG Stephanie Baldwin, 1L at the University of Arizona Law If you were like me, you thought writing the memo this semester would seem more natural. After all, we already have one memo under our belt, and we have completed a semester worth of legal writing. However, I was wrong, and I was not […]

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Tools for 1L outlines “mastery”

October 15, 2018

October means crunch time. As you flip the calendar, take note of the time between now and finals week. In about six weeks, you’ll need to have reached your highest level of learning, memorization and organization. That’s not a simple task. Enter BARBRI 1L Mastery If you haven’t already, it time to begin your outlines. […]

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Enrollment tips for next semester’s classes

April 19, 2017

Jackson Long, 1L at SMU Dedman School of Law Only one month left fellow 1Ls! And my goodness, I cannot wait for summer. This has been one of, if not the most grueling nine-month stretches of my life. I will be elated to turn in my final exam on May 10. Until then, of course, […]

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